Can You Manifest What You Want?
We've all heard the words "manifest" or "manifestation" when it comes to attracting what we want. But what does tat mean, and can it be done? According to the dictionary, here's what it means: "The word 'manifestation' means to create something or turn something from an idea into a reality. In psychology, manifestation generally means using our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs to bring something to our physical reality. But even this definition of manifestation doesn't fully get at what manifestation is." That's a good definition and is actually very Law of Attraction based. We can tell when it says "...our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs to bring something to our physical reality."
Attracting (or manifesting) what we want.
Now that we know what it means, how do we do it? That's the million dollar question. Hey, that sounds good, let's attract $1,000,000! Or for those of you reading this who have already done that, make it a higher number! There is a way to manifest whatever it is we want. That's by putting ourselves in the receiving mode (not the resistant mode). When w'ere in the receiving mode we feel good and positive about what it is we want to attract. When we're in the resistant mode, we feel fear, worry, and doubt about what it is we want to manifest. Knowing that, how do we get ourselves into the receiving mode so we can attract more of what we want? That must be easy, right? LOL. Well, it can be, but at first it doesn't feel that way. Sometimes when we first hear about the Law of Attraction or manifesting it can all seem very confusing. Working with Life Coach David is a huge help in deciphering everything so you can easily attract what you want. But until you do that, you have to do your best to trust that if you do keep yourself in the receiving mode about something you want, that it will manifest.
How Can The Law of Attraction Help Me Attract What I Want?
The Law of Attraction can help you attract what you want because once you know how to use it so it works in your favor, you must attract what you want. They say "ask and it is given." So when you ask for something, it must be given! However, most people get in their own way and block it from being given. Here's the Law of Attraction can help you. We all know that "like attracts like." So if you keep yourself in the feeling place of what you want, as if it has already manifested, then it must come. As an example, let's say that someone wants to manifest a new car. They know the make, model, and year, but don't think they can afford it. Nevertheless, they keep getting themselves into the feeling place as if they already have it. The may think something like, "I really like the feeling of having the Mercedes GLB model in my garage. I like how it feels knowing that my Mercedes GLB is in my garage, and always ready for me to drive it. It feels so good to drive my Mercdes GLB. I love how smooth it drives, and the inside is so nice. It just feels amazing every time I walk towards it, knowing that it's mind and I get to drive it, and enjoy it any time I want to!" By doing that, that person really got themselves into the feeling place of having that new car. If they keep doing that without going into fear, worry, doubt, when, etc., then it must manifest - it's the Law of Attraction.

Complimentary Law of Attraction phone coaching session.
If you're considering coaching with Life Coach David, contact him today to schedule a free mini phone coaching session. This way you can discuss coaching and how it can help you manifest what you want, feel happier, and I improve whatever areas of life you'd like to improve. Once you live your life from a Law of Attraction point-of-view, it only gets better!