August 1, 2023

Law of Attraction and You

Law of Attraction and You

So many people know about the Law of Attraction. However, many times when I ask someone to tell me what it is, they know part of the answer, but not all of it. This always surprises me because there's so much information about the Law of Attraction on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

At the same time, I'm not surprised because we're all used to getting instant answers to questions we may have. Instant answers are fine, but until you put something into practice, you can't get the full meaning of what it is.

What Is The Law of Attraction?

Though people explain it differently, there really is only one definition of the Law of Attraction. That definition is "like energy attracts like energy" or simply put 'like attracts like." But what does that mean?

Like attracts like in a basic way means that what you're thinking about is what you're going to manifest. For example, if someone is thinking about how much money they don't have, they will keep attracting more experiences of them not having enough money. Maybe someone who's looking to be in a wonderful relationship keeps thinking about how hard it is to meet someone. They will continue to find it hard to meet someone who's right for them.

The good news is that once someone learns Law of Attraction ideas,, processes and techniques, they can start manifesting what they want (instead of blocking it).

Law of Attraction Techniques That Work

As an example, let's take that person mentioned above who doesn't have enough money and always thinks that. Once that person learns about the Law of Attraction will tart to understand that their way of thinking about money is blocking it. A better way to think about money is to start thinking about it in a more positive way. A wonderful technique that works is to use the phrase "Wouldn't it be nice if...." Wouldn't it be nice if I had an unlimited amount of money!" "Wouldn't it be nice if I had an unlimited amount of money so I could buy what I wanted, help who I wanted, and donate to my favorite charities!" By using that statement, you're in a positive vibration about what you want and your mind can't argue with you. Practice using that statement with anything you want to manifest.

Do You Understand The Law of Attraction?

Don't Get Discouraged About The Law of Attraction

It can be easy to think you've tried the Law of Attraction for a few weeks and it didn't work. The thing is, it doesn't work that way. The Law of Attraction is always responding to you 24/7. That's why it's so important to take the time to fully understand it so you can use it to your advantage. A client once told me "I tried using the Law of Attraction to help attract my soul mate and it didn't work so after a few weeks I stopped." Obviously this person did not get the right advice! After explaining to him how it really works, he signed up for coaching it was only about a month later when he started to attract high quality dates. Now he is happily married. I've helped many people attract their significant other by using Law of Attraction techniques and ideas.

If you want to manifest what you want, feel happier, improve your life in some way, and ultimately live your best life, contact me today. Coaching is one of the best investments you can make in yourself.