Relationships and The Law of Attraction
Though people contact me for coaching for many different reasons, one of the more popular reasons is because they want to attract a wonderful life partner (husband or wife). They want to know can the Law of Attraction help them attract or manifest the person of their dreams. The answer to that question is 100% “Yes!” How do I know this? I know this because I attracted my life partner and we’ve been together for 20 years! I’ve also coached a lot of people who have done the same.
When I coach someone about this topic I like to do a thorough analysis of what their pattern has been so far. What type of person have they been attracting? Have they been attracting anyone at all? If so, why didn’t it work out? There are many questions I go over first before even talking about how the Law of Attraction can help. It’s always helpful to know a person’s history with dating and relationships.
Sometimes unexpected patterns come up and we talk about how to improve certain situations. For example, maybe someone is used to sleeping with someone too soon. Maybe someone gets to a certain point and then when there’s some tension they leave the relationship, even though it could have been saved. There’s lots of reasons why certain relationships don’t work out. Sometimes people are just not meant to be together, and sometimes they could have worked it out. Once we get past their history and talk about how to improve certain patterns, then we can get into how the Law of Attraction can help them manifest the right person.

How Can The Law of Attraction Help Someone Manifest A Wonderful Relationship?
The Law of Attraction can help someone manifest a wonderful relationship when you fully understand how to use it. One time a potential client called me because they claimed the tried the Law of Attraction but it didn’t work. That statement alone made me realize that he didn’t really understand it. That’s because the Law of Attraction is always responding to us.
It’s not something you try for a few weeks and if you don’t manifest what you want you think it doesn’t work! It takes time and practice to put yourself in the right vibration so you attract what you want. But it does work when you know what to do. After I explained that to him, he signed up for coaching with me. After about a month he understood what he was doing wrong and then practiced what he learned in coaching. Before he knew it he was attracting wonderful potential partners into his life. He’s now been happily married for several years!
What Are Some Law of Attraction Tips to Attract Someone?
Though there are many tips on how to attract someone, I think it’s important to explain it in a basic way at first. Learning about the Law of Attraction is like learning math. Remember in school if you didn’t understand something in math class the more advanced equations would seem more confusing if you didn’t understand the basics. The same is true with the Law of Attraction. If you don’t fully understand the basics, then learning more advanced ideas and techniques will seem confusing.
For a basic start, make a list of all the qualities you want in a life partner. Do you want them to be romantic? Do you want them to be a good cook? Do you want them to be honest and sincere? Do you want them to be emotionally stable? Think of as many aspects you want and make a list. Then look at the list often and focus on these traits. By doing this, focusing on what you want, you’re setting yourself up to attract them. The trick is not to take score of how it’s going to happen or when it’s going to happen. That just brings in fear, worry, and doubt which will block it from happening. You have to trust the process, trust that everything is lining up for it to happen.

In conclusion, if you’re ready to attract the person you’re going to spend the rest of your life with, now is the time! You don’t have to wait. What you do have to do is remember that like attracts like. That means you have to spend more time thinking about who you want to attract. If you’d like help with this contact me so you can get the support and guidance you need to help make it happen.