August 22, 2023

The Law of Attraction and Money

The Law of Attraction and Money

The Law of Attraction and Money

Can you attract more money with the help of the Law of Attraction?

That answer is a definite “YES!”

I like to remind people that my favorite definition of the Law of Attraction is “like attracts like.” That means that not only do like thoughts attract like thoughts, but the thoughts we think about turns into our reality.

You can attract more money with the Law of Attraction

How do we manifest more money?

Let’s come up with an example. This is an easy way to explain it. Let’s say there’s a guy named Pierre. Pierre walks around thinking about his bills, expenses, and how much money he doesn’t have. He thinks that he’ll never have enough money to live the life he wants. All day long, every day, year after year, he continues to think thoughts about money in this way.

Unfortunately, what Pierre is doing is blocking more money from coming into his life. This is solely based on how he thinks about money.

From a Law of Attraction point-of-view we’re either in the receiving mode about something we want to manifest, or the resistant mode. Most people are in the resistant mode. Fear, worry, and doubt cause resistance. Can Pierre take himself from the resistant mode into the receiving mode about money?

Fortunately for him, someone tells him about Life Coach David! LOL. He quickly calls Life Coach David and tells him his dilemma with money. David totally understands this situation and lets Pierre know that it is possible for him to start attracting money! Pierre signs up for coaching and within a short time starts to see more money coming his way!

The Law of Attraction can help you attract more money!

What happened? How did Pierre go from not attracting any money, to suddenly attracting money?

Life Coach David coached him and gave him Law of Attraction processes, ideas, and techniques which helped Pierre shift the way he was thinking about money to a more positive way. Instead of Pierre spending hours pondering about his lack of money, he got caught up in feeling how wonderful it would feel to have plenty of money. Even when those pesky resistant thoughts came back, instead of latching onto them, he quickly remembered to deliberately start thinking more positive thoughts about money. By doing this Pierre was in the receiving mode (not the resistant mode) about money.

He remembered that one simple technique he learned from Life Coach David. When thoughts about the lack of money came to mind, he quickly asked himself “What do I want regarding money?” That gave him the springboard to start thinking about how much money he wants to attract, why he wants more, and what he would do with it, etc. By doing that, he started to feel more positive about money, and about attracting more of it. This is also known as he raised his vibration about money.

Before he knew it Pierre started to get unexpected checks in the mail, a raise at work, and he found unclaimed money on the internet that belonged to him.

Money started pouring in for Pierre! He realized that the Law of Attraction was helping him attract money and felt so happy and excited about it. This is because with Life Coach David’s help, he realized that he’s in control of his vibration about money (and anything else he wants to attract). Since he started putting out a more positive, high vibration about money, he started to attract more money. That goes back to the “like attracts like” definition mentioned earlier.

As you can see the story of Pierre could be about anybody! If Pierre can do it, so can you!

Law of Attraction Phone Coaching

If you'd like to manifest what you want, feel happier, and live a more positive, joyful life contact Life Coach David today. He offers an initial free mini phone coaching session. Contact him through or by email

I hope you enjoyed this blog post. Have a high vibration day!