What Is V. What You Want
When it comes to the Law of Attraction it can sound so simple and so easy to implement. I mean how hard can it be to just focus on what you want until it manifests? The truth is though it’s different for everyone, even the most practiced Law of Attraction aficionados can get caught up in one particular chain of thoughts. What is that chain of thought? That’s being caught up in “what is” instead of “what you want.”
What does that even mean? We are experiencing “what is” so it’s easy to stay caught up in whatever that is. After all, it’s very rare that any of us grew up with parents or a best friend who said, “Stop thinking about what is if it’s not what you want!” How amazing would that have been if we did know that at a young age?
For those of us (most of us) who didn’t have such guidance, we’ve had years of practice of hyper focusing on “what is,” even if it’s not what we want. That’s because that’s what we’re experiencing so we think we have to focus on it. We end up telling our friends about it, complain to our partner about it, etc. etc. etc. By doing that, we’re practicing even more focusing on what we don’t want.

How do we focus on what we want, when we’re experiencing “what is” (what we don’t want)?
From a Law of Attraction point-of-view, that’s the million-dollar question! The answer to that question can be simple, but harder to implement. The simple answer is even though you’re experiencing what is, start focusing on what you want. Sounds easy enough, right? Wrong! That’s because of all the years we’ve practiced not doing that. However, with time and practice, we can get used to thinking about what we want, when what is isn’t what we want.
The Law of Attraction Is Always Consistent
Let’s create an example to demonstrate this common situation.
Jake is trying to sell his car and isn’t getting any action. No one is calling, no one shows any interest. He spends his time pondering about why this is happening. He asks himself, “Is it because the car is too old?” “Is it because no one is buying my model?” “Is it because it doesn’t get good gas mileage?” On and on he goes all day long thinking about why no one is responding to his ad.
By doing that, Jake is putting himself in the vibration of “what is” which in this case is no one is interested in his car. As a result, he isn’t getting any interest in it.
However, one of Jake’s friends suggests that he call Life Coach David who specializes in helping people manifest what they want. Jake calls him and they begin coaching. After a short time, Jake starts to understand that he’s been blocking selling his car. He’s been doing that by focusing on “what is” (no one is interested in the car), instead of “what he wants” (to sell his car!) Life Coach David teaches Jake several techniques which will help put him in the vibration of his car selling. By doing this, Jake is now putting himself in the receiving mode. He’s putting out a vibration that his car is selling and gets lots of interest. It’s no surprise that after a short time, Jake suddenly starts to get inquiries about his car. A short time after that, Jake makes a good deal with someone, and his car sells!
Jake learned that even though he’s experiencing “what is,” he has to put himself in a “what he wants” vibration if “what is” isn’t what he wants.
Practice Makes Perfect When It Comes To The Law of Attraction
We all have to get used to doing this. When “what is” isn’t what we want, we have to become aware enough to focus on what we want. By doing that, we’re putting ourselves in the vibration of what we want, and eventually what we want will become our what is!
It can sound confusing, but with time and practice anyone can get used to keeping themselves in the vibration of what they want, even when it hasn’t manifested yet. As a matter of fact, that’s how to manifest something you want!
Like vibration attracts like vibration! By putting yourself in the vibration of something you want, you’re drawing it to you. Even though you can’t see everything lining up for it to happen, you have to trust the process.
If you’re tired of not attracting what you want, do your best to refocus your thoughts on what you want as often as possible.
Law of Attraction Coaching
If you're ready to start manifesting what you want; feel happier; get through each day in a more positive way, etc., contact Life Coach David today. Once you live your life from a Law of Attraction point-of-view, it only gets better!