You Attract What YouBelieve
The Law of Attraction (like attracts like) has been a universal law that I believe has always been in existence.
Fortunately for all of us today, people started realizing it and writing about it as far back as 1907. William Walker Atkins wrote the book Thinking Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World which came out in that year. Of course, others before that were most likely talking about the Law of Attraction even though they may not have called it that. But as far as I can tell that book was the first one written about it.
Those of us who resonate with the Law of Attraction are lucky that others after 1907 have written about it, made videos about it, movies about it, etc.
Sometimes it seems easy to attract what we want, but most of the time, we can get caught up in the current reality and focus on that.

Examples of What We Believe
If someone doesn’t have enough money, they’re thinking more about that than having enough money. They believe they won’t have enough money to buy what the want, etc.
Someone who wants to attract a wonderful relationship but hasn’t done that yet believes it’s hard and almost impossible to find that special someone.
Someone who wants a raise but doesn’t know how it’s going to happen believes that getting a raise in this day and age is unlikely.
Whatever it is that we don’t have, it’s because we believe we can’t have it for some reason.
You attract what you believe.
The million dollar question is if I don’t really believe I can attract/manifest something I want, what do I have to do to change that?
The answer is that we have to start believing we can have what we want.
The more we fully believe we can have what we want, the more we’re putting out the vibration (the feeling) of what we want (instead of what we don’t want).

She Wanted a Dog But Couldn’tAfford To Buy One
Another example. Let’s say Pamela has been wanting a maltese dog as a pet. She found out it costs $4,000 to buy a maltese puppy. $4,000 isway above what she can afford right now. She stews all day about how much money it is to get a puppy and feels bad that she can’t do it. She’s putting out the vibration of not believing that she can ever have the puppy she wants. As a result the Law of Attraction is matching that feeing and she’s not attract it.
However, let’s say that Pamela hears about the Law of Attraction and learns how to re-focus her thoughts.She starts to believe that she can attract a maltese puppy. She starts trusting that it can happen even though she doesn’t know how.
Suddenly she walking around with a more positive expectation about having the puppy and fills her mind with positive thoughts about it. She thinks about how much fun it will be to play with it. She thinks how wonderful it will be to have a companion at home. All these positive thoughts make her feel really good about having a puppy.
Pamela legitimately starts to believe (and feel) that she will be able to manifest a pup.
A few weeks later her neighbor Penelope knocks on her door. Penelope is holding the cutest maltese pup and asks Pamela if she knows anyone who’s looking for a pup. It turns out her sister Ashton adopted it but found out that her rental doesn’t allow dogs.The place she got him from won’t take him back, so Penelope was fostering it.
Pamela burst out into tears and tells Penelope that she’ll adopt him! They instantly bonded and she named her dog Pippin. It was a perfect match.
Pamela didn’t see everything lining up for this to happen, but because she started believing it could happen, it did happen!
Can You Really ManifestWhat You Want By Believing You Can Have It?
This may sound too good to be true, but things like this do happen! Every day to people who know how to get the Law of Attraction to work in their favor.
You can manifest what you want if you’re totally clear on how to do it.
Law of AttractionCoaching
If you’d like to become one of those lucky people who know how to get the Law of Attraction to work in their favor, contact Life Coach David and start getting coached on ow to make it happen. You’ll be so glad you did!