Life Coach David
Certified & Experienced
Law of Attraction Life Coach

"I give my clients the tools and support they need to manifest what they want, stay at a high vibe, and live a fulfilling life!"

If you answer 'Yes" to any of these questions, contact me today:

*  I know about the Law of Attraction but I'm not attracting what I want;
* I've watched videos and read books about the Law of Attraction, but it all seems so confusing;
*  There are areas in my life I'd like to improve;
* I want to feel high vibration and stay that way;
* I want to feel happier;
* I'm ready to make positive changes in my life!

Even though I'm in Palm Beach County, Florida, for your convenience coaching sessions are held over the phone. As long as you have a phone you can start right away!

Contact me
Man Jumping Cliff

Sometimes An Experienced Life Coach Is What You Need

People contact me for many different reasons. Some want to attract something (like a wonderful relationship, more business, more money, etc.); while others want to improve their lives in some way. Whatever the reason, they get the support and tools needed to move forward in a positive direction.

If you're reading this then most likely you've realized that you need extra support right now. I'm passionate about helping my clients manifest what they want, feel happier, make important decisions, feel more confident, and ultimately living life how they want it to be. If you want to improve your life in some way, take the first step and contact me today. You'll be glad you did!

Break Free From Limiting Beliefs

Don't let where you are now stop you from getting to where you want to be. With coaching you'll learn how to set yourself up for success in all areas of your life. NOW is the time to take action!

You're more powerful than you think. Law of Attraction processes, techniques, and ideas will make your life more positive and satisfying. You'll start attracting what you want and feel happier with this type of coaching. Once you live your life from a Law of Attraction point-of-view, it only gets better - even if you're new to the Law of Attraction.

Hand Breaking Shackles

Break Free From Limiting Beliefs

Don't let where you are now stop you from living a wonderful, satisfying life. With coaching you'll learn how to set yourself up for success in all areas of your life.
Are you ready to learn processes, techniques, and new ideas that will make your life more positive and satisfying? If so, contact me today!

Sometimes In Life You Need An Experienced Life Coach

With coaching you'll not only learn to harness the power of the Law of Attraction so it works in your favor, you'll also take more control of making each day the best it can be.Give yourself permission to work with a life coach. If you're reading this then most likely, you've realized that you need the extra support right now to move forward in a positive way. David is passionate about helping his clients manifest what they want, feel happier, and live life how they want it to be. It's not a coincidence that he has an 100% success rate with his clients. If you want to improve your life in some way, take the first step and contact him today. You'll be glad you did!

Contact me

Here’s where you can start

As a first step, click on the area below that you’d like to work on.
You may even have several areas you’d like to work on.


If you already know about the Law of Attraction, then you know how vital it is to fully understand it so it works in your favor. If you’re new to the Law of Attraction, you’ll be so glad you found out about it so you can attract what you want, feel happier, and ultimately live your life how you want it to be. Contact me today to schedule a complimentary mini phone coaching session and I’ll tell you more.


Working with me as your life coach, you’ll get the tools you need to have a wonderful relationship with yourself, friends, and your spouse or partner. If you’re wanting to attract a spouse, I’ll give you the tools and mindset necessary to make that happen! Contact me today to schedule a complimentary mini phone coaching session and I’ll tell you more.


It’s imperative in life to go through each day with a positive mindset. With coaching, you’ll get the tools, processes and ideas that will help you do that. Life is so much better when you go through each day in a positive way. Contact me today to schedule a complimentary mini phone coaching session and I’ll tell you more.


Stress is a fact of life, however, once you know what to do so you live a less stressful life, wow, what an improvement! I’ll give you the tools necessary to help you accomplish that. You’ll love the difference! Contact me today to schedule a complimentary mini phone coaching session and I’ll tell you more.


With Law of Attraction coaching, you’ll get a full understanding of how to attract more money, and either a better career, or an improved experience where you are. It’s wonderful when unexpected checks come and business is thriving! Contact me today to schedule a complimentary mini phone coaching session and I’ll tell you more.


We all have goals we want to reach. With coaching, I’ll be checking in with you each week to build the momentum of you taking positive steps towards reaching those goals. It’s amazing how taking small steps towards that can lead to goals becoming a reality! Contact me today to schedule a complimentary mini phone coaching session and I’ll tell you more.

Coach David
Life coach david

”I practice what I preach and am living a wonderful life, and I want the same for you!”

For many years I’ve been helping people as a certified Law of Attraction Life Coach. I’ve coached hundreds of wonderful people of all ages and careers. Though people contact me for many different reasons, they all want to improve their lives in some way. My coaching certification, and years of experience allows me to help each client in more ways than they expected. I'm so thankful to all of my clients all over the world for letting me be a positive influence on their life journey.

Working with a certified and experienced life coach is one of the best investments you can make in yourself!

Let's make sure that 2023 is a wonderful year for you.

Man smilingDreams Come trueGood VibesThink PositiveBe happy

What clients are saying

Don't just take my word for it!

David is a great life coach! He is compassionate, inspirational and professional. I highly recommend David.

Crolyn S.

Worked with him in past. Very helpful and experienced. Would recommend him to anyone.

Andrew M C.

Both my personal life and business have greatly improved since I started working with Life Coach David. He's great to talk with and I look forward to our coaching calls.

Jamie V.

Buy now

Start learning from my e-books to help attract all that you want in life.

Vibratize Your Life Book cover

Vibratize your life!

How To Keep Your Vibrations High To Attract A Wonderful Life

Magnetize Book Cover

Magnetize your life!

New Techniques On Using The Law Of Attraction To Attract All That You Want

Living the law of attraction book cover

Living the Law of Attraction!

How To Keep Your Vibrations High To Attract A Wonderful Life


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Frequently asked questions

What is life coaching and how many sessions will I need?

A life coaching session is like talking to a great friend. We talk about all areas of your life with the intention of improving the areas that need it. We also work on your general happiness level, and improve that as well! Of course we also focus on what you want to manifest and exactly how to do that. When you first start working with me I require a minimum of 4 sessions – 1 a week for four weeks in a row. This is so you get a basic understanding of how to effectively use the Law of Attraction. After the initial 4 sessions, most clients continue on because they enjoy the coaching calls and are getting a lot out of each call.

Why are the coaching sessions held over the phone?

The coaching sessions are held over the phone because it is more comfortable for the client to be in his or her private space where they feel free to express themselves during a session. Once you experience a phone coaching session, you’ll understand that it’s not necessary to be in person to achieve wonderful results.

What if I don’t live in your area, can you still be my life coach?

Yes! Since coaching sessions are held over the phone, it doesn’t matter where you live. We just have to find a day and time that works for both of us.

How much are coaching sessions?

When I take on a new client, I offer 2 packages. The first is a package of 4 sessions for $560. The second package is a package of 8 sessions for $1,000 (this package comes to to less per session).

Remember that this will be one of the best investments you can make in yourself!

Though Venmo is preferred, I also accept credit cards or PayPal.

Do I have to know about the Law of Attraction to have you as my life coach?

You don't have to know about the Law of Attraction to benefit from life coaching. You just have to practice what we talk about so that you benefit from each session.

I’ve watched “The Secret” and/or know about the Law of Attraction, but I can’t seem to make it work in my life. What can I do?

Sometimes people know about the Law of Attraction, but they don’t know how to use it in their daily lives. Working with me you will find out exactly what to do so you can start attracting whatever it is you want, and start enjoying your life more. You will find out about processes and techniques that will aid you in doing so. Since the Law of Attraction is responding to you 24/7, it’s vital to fully understand it. Once you find out how to consciously use it, it’s amazing how things start shifting for the better.

How long are the coaching sessions?

Coaching sessions range from 45-60 minutes and are usually once a week. Sometimes if someone is going through a tough time, they may want more than one coaching call a week.

Still have questions?

Feel free to get in touch about any other questions.