How To Use The Law of Attraction In Your Every Day Life
Is here a way to use the Law of Attraction in your everyday life, and is it important to do that?
The answer to both of those questions is one hundred percent “YES!”
What is the Law of Attraction?
My favorite definition is “like energy attracts like energy.”
What does that mean?
That means that the feeling we’re putting out about something we want, and in general, is determining if we’re blocking or allowing what we want.
It also effects how we feel. If we’re feeling positive and happy, and since like energy attracts like energy, then that means we’ll attract circumstances and experiences that make us happy.
The same is true for the opposite. If we’re feeling negative, doubtful, etc., then we’ll experience more circumstances that match that.
I don’t know about you, but I’d rather feel happy as much as possible and attract ircumstances and experiences that make me feel happy!
That is how the Law of Attraction effects our everyday life. It’s always responding to the feeling (vibration) we’re sending out. Not sometimes, but always!
So if you’re someone who settles for just feeling blah and thinking more negatively about things, that’s what you’re going to continue to experience. Do you want to continue to attract what you don’t want? Do you want to continue to feel blah, when you can feel happy and more excited about life? Hopefully not.
The good news is that you can deliberately change the way you feel so that you become someone who’s more positive and someone who feels happier each day. Once you have a positive expectation about how you want to feel, and what you want to attract, everything lines up for it to happen. It may not happen overnight, but it’s worth the time and practice it takes to make it happen.
Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up every day looking forward to the day ahead?
Wouldn’t it be nice to go through life having more control over your happiness and whatyou’re attracting?
Wouldn’ tit be nice to know how to control your vibration (how you feel) so that each day feels as best as it can?
I’m thinking that you’re answer is, “Yes!”

Where do we start with the Law of Attraction?
How do we take more control of how we feel since that seems to be controlling the vibe we’re putting out, and what we’re attracting/manifesting?
As a first step, set an intention each morning that you’re going to have a great day. Even if you don’t know how that will happen, even if a lot is going on and it seems impossible, still set that intention. By doing that you’ll start to retrain your mind to think about each day in a more positive way.
Then, spend a few minutes (just a few) thinking about what you’d like to have happen for you. Maybe you want to attract money or a relationship or more clients. Maybe you want to feel more positive and hopeful. Whatever it is, think about what you want as often as possible.
The sad thing is that we’re supposed to be thinking about what we want (not what we don’t want). However, unless someone was raised in a household where their parents knew about the Law of Attraction, or they somehow heard about it, it’s doubtful they were taught to do that.
Thinking about what you want (even if you don’t know how you’ll attract it) is key to shifting your vibe. The more you practice doing that, the more natural it will feel. The more natural it feels, the more you’ll believe it can happen. Themore you believe it can happen, the more it will happen!
Sounds easy enough, but, it takes time and practice to get used to it.
How else can the Law of Attraction work for me?
Another simple technique to help the Law of Attraction work for you is to become aware if you’re thinking about something you don’t want. If you are, simply realize it, and ask yourself “What do I want?” regarding the thing you were thinking about. Then spend a few minutes thinking about what you want.
For example, say Joe was thinking about things he’d like to buy but he doesn’t have enough money to buy them. Instead of Joe continuing to think in that way, all he has to do is ask himself “What do I want?” Then he’d think thoughts like, “I want to buy a new car and it will feel so good driving it” or “I can’t wait to buy my first house. It’s going to feel so wonderful to wake up in a home I own.”
By deliberately switching to what he wants, he’s starting to raise his vibe about it, which means that with time and practice, he will attract more money.However, he has to keep focusing on what he wants even though he doesn’t knowhow it will happen. If he doesn’t do that, he’ll block it because fear, worry, and doubt block manifestation.
We’re either in the resistant mode or the receiving mode. When we’re in the receiving mode we feel positive about what we want coming. When we’re in the receiving mode, we feel happy and light about things.
There are so many ways to raise your vibration in general, and about things you want to attract.
A Law of Attraction Life Coach can help your in a big way!
If you’d like to be coached on how to do that and set yourself up for success with attracting all that you want, and feeling happier and more satisfied, consider coaching with me, Life Coach David. I’ve helped people all across the U.S. and other counties do just that. Coaching sessions are held over the phone so it doesn't matter where you live.
Good luck to you with your manifesting and vibration raising. Once you live your life from a Law of Attraction point-of-view, it only gets better!