August 14, 2023

Top Five Misconceptions About The Law of Attraction

Top Five Misconceptions About The Law of Attraction

Top Five (5) Misconceptions About The Law of Attraction

1. The Law of Attraction Doesn’t Work

Through the years I’ve heard from many people that they tried the Law of Attraction, and it doesn’t work.

That statement alone makes me realize that that person doesn’t fully understand the Law of Attraction. Here’s why.

The Law of Attraction is something that responds to us all day long, every day! It’s not something that is just responding to someone when they happen to think about it – it’s always responding to us. Once you get that, you start to realize how important it is to fully understand the Law of Attraction so you can get it to work in your favor.

One example I remember is that someone called me for coaching and told me they had already worked with a Law of Attraction life coach. They wanted to attract a wonderful life partner. After working with their on-line coach for about two weeks, they hadn’t attracted anyone so they figured it didn’t work. Obviously whatever life coach they were working with didn’t know what they were doing! It just doesn’t work that way.

Long story short, that person signed up for coaching with me and within a month they started to attract potential partners. He told me it was the first time he went on dates with people who he clicked with. Shortly after that he met his life partner and they’ve been married for two years! He always had the potential to meet his life partner, but he just didn’t have the right method. He realized that the Law of Attraction does work, he just didn’t know what to do until he worked with me. The Law of Attraction does “work” you just have to know what to do and you’ll start attracting what you want.

2. The Law of Attraction Is A Short Term Influence On Me.

The Law of Attraction is always responding to us 24/7. Some people think that when they happen to think about it, that’s when it’s responding to them. That’s not true, it always is. As long as you’re breathing, the Law of Attraction is matching whatever vibration you’re putting out. Just like the example in the previous paragraph, that person thought it was just responding to him when he was trying to manifest a relationship.

It’s important to be aware of your vibration (how happy you’re feeling). If you’re not feeling at a high vibration, you have to raise it. By doing that you’ll not only feel better in general, you’re setting yourself up to attract what you want. As Life Coach David, I give my clients the tools they need that will help them do that. Once they do, their life can’t help but improve. There’s a saying I like, “Once you live your life from a Law of Attraction point-of-view, it only gets better!” That is so true.

Law of Attraction
You Can Attract What You Want When You Know How

3. I Don’t Have To Do Anything To Attract What I Want

Another flaw that I hear is that, “I don’t have to do anything to manifest what I want.” This is because Esther Hickes (Abraham), the queen of Law of Attraction, once said that. But I really believe people took that to mean the wrong thing. I even heard her explain it the way she really meant it. She said that sitting in a chair, deliberately keeping yourself at a high vibration and focusing on what you want, IS doing something. It takes a lot of energy to do that. And another thought about that, is that when you focus on what you want and get excited about it, typically a good idea will come to mind and/or you’ll suddenly get inspired to take action that will help it manifest. That has happened to me many times. I get myself in a high vibe about something I want to attract, and then I suddenly get a great idea of how to help make it happen.

4. Many People Who Claim They Know About The Law of Attraction, Don’t.

So many people who claim they really understand and know about the Law of Attraction – don’t! They usually understand a little bit of it, but not in depth. Sometimes they’re coaches and sometimes they’re teaching about it. I’ve been so surprised many times by people who claimed they knew about it, only to find out they didn’t understand the full picture. They knew what it meant, but didn’t know anything further than that. You have to live the Law of Attraction to really know about it.

I was once taking a hypnosis certification program. Someone in the class said they taught about the Law of Attraction at a college as a side class. I was initially impressed. However, after more discussions with her, I was surprised to find out her understanding of it was not enough. I felt bad for the students she taught about it as they did not get the full picture. If you’re reading this, please be careful who you get information from. Learning about the Law of Attraction is kind of like learning about math. Just like math, if you don’t understand the basics and the core of it, as you learn more you just won’t understand it.

Your Brain Can Be Like A Magnet To Help You Attract What You Want

5. The Law of Attraction Is A New Concept

So many people out there on the internet and various Apps talk about the Law of Attraction as if it’s something they discovered or that it’s a new concept. That is so not true. Back in 1891 the author Prentice Mulford first used the term “Law of Attraction.” There’s even mention in the bible of like attracts like. Through the years many people have written books about it and explained it from their point-of-view. The movie “The Secret” in 2006 really brought it into mainstream attention.

There are also people like Esther Hicks who channels what she calls Abraham. All the information she channels is about the Law of Attraction (great information by the way). I’ve even written two books about it “Vibratize Your Life” and “Magnetize Your Life.” No matter who writes about the Law of Attraction, the definition is still the same. I think it’s great though that so many people write books about it because though the definition will always stay the same, more discussions about it really do help us understand it at a deeper level and help keep it alive.

Help Living Your Life From A Law of Attraction Point-of-View

If you’d like help living your life from a Law of Attraction point of view so you can attract what you want, feel happier, and become the best version of yourself contact me (Life Coach David) today. I offer a complimentary 15 minute phone coaching session.